Hoomans aren’t the only critturs that enjoy a good steak. Doggoes are big fans too. And that’s why they are going nuts for these Prime Cuts beef steak strips.
Rare: Unlike a lot of jerky style snacks, our strips are sourced from finest-quality cattle.
Well done: And they’re not just tasty. They’re healthy too. They’re high in protein which helps with hip and joint moo-vement and they keep teeth and gums in prime condition by preventing plaque and tartar build up.
Make no mis-steak. These strips are the perfect snack. Low in fat, high in proteins and amino acids and easy to digest.
Best bits:
- 100% Aussie
- Premium quality gourmet treats
- No additives/preservatives
- Pure protein to aid flexibility and movement
- Rich in vitamins and minerals to promote overall health